Fissure Laser Treatment

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Laser Fissure Treatment With Out Surgery in Hyderabad

Fissures are often confused with Piles. Anal Fissures are Linear Tears caused in the lining of the anus due to Trauma or injury, which causes the stretching of the Mucosa of the Anal canal. Fissures resemble a paper cut. There are two types of Fissures.

  • Acute Anal fissures which have a sudden onset and don't last longer than 6 weeks. They are very common and usually heal on their own with self-care.
  • Chronic ones last longer than 6 weeks, may need medicine or surgery to help them heal.

The can either in the Anterior ( 12 O"clock ) or Posterior ( 6 o" clock) areas the Anal opening. Fissure specialists can treat the fissure by medication or surgery up to doctors recommendations

Fissure Symptoms

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Symptoms of Fissures are similar to that of piles.
  • Sharp Pain while passing stools & long deep burning sensation
  • Bright Red Blood with the stools or on the toilet paper
  • A visible crack in the skin around the anus
  • Itching or irritation around the anus
  • A small lump or a skin tag on the skin near the anal fissure
  • Dysuria - involuntary urination
  • Pus discharge from the fissure

One of the major causes of fissures is Constipation. This may also be caused by

  • Muscle spasms
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • Anal sex
  • Prolonged diarrhea
  • Crohn's disease
  • Pregnancy and childbirth: During birth, the lining of the anus may tear causing a fissure.

Fissure Treatment in hyderabad

Laser treatment for fissure

The goal of handling is to alleviate the percolating agony, loitering uneasiness and mend the rent lining. Medications that accelerate the healing of the rifts are suggested. Nitrate ointment for an increase the blood stream and expedite mending. Calcium channel blockers is too imparted to diminish the blood pressure.

Two of the most common treatments for Fissures are

  • Chemical Sphincterotomy which is a non-operative, painless strategy employing Unique Infusion
  • Closed Internal Sphincterotomy which is a Day Care Surgical procedure

Chemical Sphincterotomy:

It utilizes Distinctive Infusion for therapy. It will directly infused into the internal anal sphincter which part of the the circumferential internal muscles of the anal sphincter which manage the passageway of feces. The Particular Infusion immobilizes the sphincter muscles which renews the blood stream to the rectum. The trembling impedes blood circulation and hinders the curing of the rift. The infusion averts trembling and this result persists for roughly three lunar cycles. By this juncture the nerve extremities regenerate, the rift fixes and the manifestations are tackled. This medication is potent in 80% of the individuals. Occasionally the Infusion has to be iterated.

Closed Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS):

A Day Care operative handling for persistent anal rupture executed on the internal anal sphincter muscle which is part of the the round internal muscles of the anal sphincter which governs the passage of excrement. The internal rectal sphincter is one of couple of muscles that produce the anal sphincter. The internal anal sphincter is partly cleaved operatively to lessen trembling and the at rest pressure without influencing the employment of the sphincter. It enhances the blood stream to the rift vicinity and helps it to recuperate faster.

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Our Fissure Laser Treatment Specialist Doctors
Fissure Laser Treatment FAQ's to know if a fissure is healing?

Healing can be confirmed by going to the doctor general surgeon. But if there is no pain at all then it would indicate healing to some extent.

Getting more fiber, clean water, and using a stool softener. This can prevent fissures coming in future. By sitz bath symptoms can be eased.

For some Anal fissures heal in few weeks. Methods are keeping stool soft, by intake of fiber and fluids, Soaking several times a day in warm water, it induces relaxation of the sphincter and goes for healing.

when you pass stools If bleeding occurs - Should be checked by a doctor. using soaking methods 1-2 weeks can be treated with bleeding

Complete healing with both medical and surgical treatments can take up to approximately 6-12 weeks. Due to surgery, pain occurs it can be reduced after some days.

At the chronic stage, the only treatment solution is undergoing surgery. Laser surgery for fissure will be suggested by doctors.

Best hospital is Maven Medical Center 8-2-277/B/1, Road No 2, Opp: New Rainbow Children's Hospital, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad.

Not to worry about your baby he will be unaffected by piles and anal fissure. Rectal bleeding in pregnancy may be a small problem. Even Fissure bleeding during pregnancy should be taken seriously, You should talk to the doctor immediately.

फिशर (fissure) ठीक होने के लक्षण शामिल हो सकते हैं: बवासीर के साथ संबंधित दर्द कम होना स्वस्थ बवासीर की स्थिति की सुनिश्चितता स्थाई चिकित्सा से पूर्ण ठीक होना संभव कि स्वस्थ बवासीर की स्थिति के लिए सुझाव के रूप में आपको सूखे और स्वस्थ खाने की सलाह दी जाएगी, पानी का प्रवण प्रबंधन करने के लिए सलाह दी जाएगी और स्वस्थ समय से प्रवण प्रबंधन करने के लिए सलाह दी जाएगी।

Yes, It can heal without surgery. Here are a few ways: 1. Relaxing the anal sphincter muscle. By consuming stool softeners and a high fibre diet

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