Constipation Treatment

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Healthy GUT is the secret of healthy mind and healthy body.

CONSTIPATION is the root cause of all anorectal diseases like piles, anal fissures & anal fistulas.

Chronic constipation is a symptom due to sedentary lifestyles, slow transit of colon or pelvic floor disorder which unfortunately remains neglected at most of the GI centres and by proctologists while dealing with their patients for anorectal problems.

Symptoms of constipation

In assessment of Constipation, first the mechanical and obstructive causes needs to be ruled out then evaluate for Colonic inertia & Evacuatory disorders like rectocele, rectal prolapse/solitary rectal ulcer syndrome, anismus and intersphincteric myopathy.

The evaluation for Constipation problems includes detailed history with constipation scoring system, proper physical examination including per rectal examination to check for co existing Haemorrhoids (piles), Anal fissures or Fistula in ano and relevant investigations like Colonoscopy, Colonic transit time studies, Defecography, Anal manometry or Pelvic floor electromyography etc.

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Constipation Treatment

Symptoms and Sings of constipation includes

  • Fewer than three stools each week.
  • Stools can be hard, dry, or lumpy.
  • Straining or pain while passing feces.
  • The sensation that not all stool has passed.
  • A sensation that the rectum is blocked.
  • The requirement to use a finger to pass stool.

Chronic constipation occurs when two or more of these symptoms persist for three months or longer.

We have a team of trained specialists to evaluate the causes of constipation and advise proper scientific method for treating it using available medical & surgical modalities like COLON Wash, Biofeedback Therapy and STARR operation (Stapled Transanal Rectal Resection) indicated for Obstructed Defecation Syndrome (ODS).

We are also specialized in treating anorectal surgical disease like piles, fissure, fistula at our daycare centre using modern technique like Laser, DG-HAL/RAR, FIXcision, IRC etc.

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Kindly make your appointments at MAVEN MEDICAL CENTRE for CONSTIPATION TREATMENT or for specialised Gastroenterologis

Our Constipation Treatment Specialist Doctors
Constipation Treatment FAQ's
1.How to relieve constipation in babies quickly?

1.Exercise. Like move baby legs 2.A warm bath relaxes abdominal muscles makes stop straining. 3.Food habit changes 4.Baby should be hydrated 5.Massage the baby body 6.Supply the Fruit juice 7.Taking a rectal temperature.

Advice for overcoming constipation quickly 1.Consume fibre supplements. 2.Consume meals to ease constipation. 3.Take a sip of water. 4.Take a stimulant laxative. 5.consume a osmotic laxative

Because they aren't absorbed by the body, bulk-forming laxatives like psyllium are frequently regarded as safe to use during pregnancy.

Doctor recommendations by our specialist can help you relieve constipation quickly and gently, in as little as 30 minutes*.

Useful Over-the-Counter Constipation Medicines During Pregnancy

Alter your diet and beverage intake Engage in regular exercise Try bowel discipline. Stop using specific medications or nutritional supplements. Utilize over-the-counter drugs Medications on prescription Biofeedback treatment Surgery

Getting dehydrated. consuming a diet low in fibre. getting very little to no exercise. taking certain drugs, such as sedatives, narcotic painkillers, some antidepressants, or blood pressure-lowering drugs.

Biofeedback therapy is best treatment for constipation and gut health can be improved mostly with bowel training and good food.

You might believe that eating less will "clean out" your colon. That is not true. Try this: Eating, especially fiber-rich whole foods that are healthful, aids with bowel movement.

#Below three stools each week being passed. #Having firm or lumpy stools. #Struggling to go to the bathroom. #Feeling as if your rectum is blocked and preventing bowel movements #Having the impression that you cannot fully expel the excrement from your rectum.

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