Day Care General Surgery

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Daycare surgery is a concept of healthcare delivery system where the patients gets operated and discharged on the same day without overnight hospital stay.

The advantages of outpatient surgery over inpatient surgery is cost effective and include greater convenience to the patients. Postoperative pain or infection and complication rates are lower after ambulatory surgery than inpatient surgery.

There are many general surgical diseases which can be operated on daycare basis without need of staying in hospital overnight.

There are many advantages to a Daycare admission :-

  1. Daycare General Surgical operations are done by minimally invasive techniques.
  2. Patient need not have to stay overnight in the hospital. After the operation is done in morning, patient are kept for few hours in the recovery room followed by discharge on the same evening itself.
  3. It reduces risk of cross-infection or hospital acquired infection.
  4. Patient can resume to his/her routine activities early.

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Following are the General Surgical operations which can be done as a Daycare procedure :

  1. Hydrocele Operation (Hydrocelectomy)
  2. Umbilectomy (Adenoma/Pilonidal sinus of Umbilicus)
  3. Circumcision for adults and children
  4. Cervical Lymph node Biopsy
  5. Fibroadenoma of Breast (Excisional Biopsy)
  6. Microdochectomy (Duct Ectasia)
  7. Subcutaneous Lipoma Excision
  8. Sebaceous / Dermoid Cyst Excision
  9. Ingrowing Great Toe nail removal
  10. Paronychia pus drainage (infection around the nail)
  11. Corn Excision from sole of foot
  12. Varicocele operation (subinguinal varicocelectomy)
  13. Ear Lobe repair in females
  14. Scar removal – Keloid/Scar hyperthrophy

Instruction for the patients for daycare surgery :

  1. Kindly keep all your valuables at home (including jewellery and keys).
  2. Take a shower or bath before you come to the hospital.
  3. Wear loose, comfortable clothing.
  4. Remove all make-up and nail polish (for ladies)
  5. A family member, relative or friend must be available to take you home after your procedure.

Contraindication for Day Care Surgery:

  1. Medically unfit for discharge on the same day
  2. Mental retardation / psychologically unstable
  3. Highly infectious disease
  4. Upper respiratory tract infection
  5. Requiring extensive post-operative monitoring
  6. Long distance from home
  7. Polytrauma injuries
  8. High fever

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Our Day Care General Surgery Specialist Doctors
Day Care General Surgery FAQ's
1.What will a general surgeon do?

General Surgery is a specialty They provide treatment for various ailments. During surgery the health condition of the patient is taken care of by surgeon only even after surgery also.

1.Breast Surgery 2.Colon Surgery 3.Digestive Tract 4.Endocrine Surgery

After Highschool it will take at least 13 years to become a general surgeon. Which includes four years undergraduate degree, four years medical degree, and five years residency hospital.

A surgeon's career is a good one and extremely rewarding. The skills of a surgeon in the operating room make surgery success .

Becoming a General Surgeon is easy. General surgeons treat many types of ailments which are recommended for surgeries. They do routine procedures for operations like gallbladder operation.

1.Neurosurgery — $746,544. 2.Thoracic surgery — $668,350. 3.Orthopedic surgery — $605,330. 4.Plastic surgery — $539,208. 5.Oral and maxillofacial — $538,590. 6.Vascular surgery — $534,508. 7.Cardiology — $527,231. 8.Radiation oncology — $516,016.

Professionalism, conscientiousness, Intelligence, courage, and perseverance on behalf of your patients are the critical factors. They can become the best surgeons of their life.

Neurosurgery takes 12 hours to undergo tumour surgery which is longest one. But Orthopedic surgery takes less than 4 hours.

Who conducts caesarean sections? The procedure is carried out by obstetricians. A general surgeon may also be able to do the procedure at some smaller rural facilities.

General surgeons work on average 40-50 hours per week. Depending on the practice situation chosen, you can be on call as much as all the time.

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